The largest selection of Testosterone Propionate Cycles for beginners and pros, with a detailed explanation of Test Propionate ester and its compatibility.

In the early 50s, athletes had only three compounds to work with: methyltestosterone, testosterone suspension, and testosterone propionate, which was considered revolutionary back then, and the testosterone propionate cycle was widely used by beginners and pros back in the days.

Nothing changed regarding Testosterone Propionate usage for more than eight decades, and this compound remains a trendy choice in modern medicine, sports, and bodybuilding.

More than 15 years of experience and more than 100K real people profiles, including family and friends, gave us the possibility to compile a large selection of Testosterone Propionate Cycles. Every Testosterone Propionate Cycle that we included in our selection was performed by different athletes and provided good results and fewer side effects.

Finding a perfect steroid and a perfect cycle that fits all

There is no "perfect compound" or "a perfect cycle" that would work for everybody and provide the same results, and we will try to explain why.


Every man is born with a different amount of Testosterone. Those with a higher testosterone level will gain muscle easier and quicker, are more energetic, have a good sex life and overall are just happier. Also, testosterone levels vary at different ages. After 40, for example, testosterone production is slowing down and decreasing, and it is simply impossible to get your test levels up without stimulants.

Androgen Receptors

Every man has a different amount of androgen receptors. Also, every man has a different concentration of AR in various tissues. Somebody has more androgen receptors (AR) in muscle tissues, somebody will have more AR in skin tissue, and others have more AR in prostate tissue. That is why the same compound works differently for everybody. Some will gain more on Testosterone others will have lesser gains and acne because of the androgen receptors' localized concentration.

Sensitivity of Androgen Receptors

Everybody has a different sensitivity to androgen receptors. Some have androgen receptors that are more sensitive to the androgenic part of Testosterone. This type is more prone to boldness and acne and also will experience slower muscle gains. Those with androgen receptors more sensitive to the anabolic aspect of the same compound, Testosterone, will gain more muscles quicker and have lesser androgenic side effects.


We all have different concentrations of enzymes in our bodies. For example, everybody has a different amount of aromatase enzyme. It could be a genetic reason or because the liver doesn't function properly.

The concentration of 5a-reductase enzymes is also different; that is why everybody has different strength levels and recovery times.

Also, a significant genetic factor is the 5a-reductase enzyme tissue distribution. That explains why Nandrolone is the best steroid for some users, and others would not benefit from it at all.

There are many other genetic factors such as metabolism, muscle attachment point, muscle length, and muscle innervation; that is why there is no "Best Steroid" out there. The differences between a wannabe and a Pro are knowledge, reliable suppliers, and the ability to listen to their bodies and act accordingly.

The only way to have a safe and productive Testosterone Propionate Cycle (and any cycle in general) is to get accurate information, authentic gear, and be responsible. The first step to a safe and successful cycle is knowing the compound/compounds used in the cycle.

Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Propionate was mentioned for the first time in early 1935, and since then, its production has been uninterrupted. Testosterone Propionate was the first ester of Testosterone sold on the US market. It is worth mentioning that in the early 50s, athletes had only three compounds to work with: methyltestosterone, testosterone suspension, and testosterone propionate. 

This testosterone ester has been one of the most used injectable forms of androgen testosterone for more than eight decades.

Testosterone Propionate Administration Women

Test Propionate is not recommended for use in women. Being a strong androgen provides a high risk of virilization.

Testosterone Propionate Administration Men

Recommended dosage range 150-400 mg/week

Recommended cycle length 6-12 weeks

Possible side effects


Testosterone Propionate is considered a steroid with moderate estrogenic activity. It aromatizes; that is why we always advise having an aromatase inhibitor (Arimidex) handy.


Testosterone Propionate is the primary male androgen. Higher than recommended dosages could lead to oily skin, acne and aggravate male hair loss, mainly if you have a genetic predisposition.


Testosterone Propionate does not have hepatotoxic effects. Multiple clinical trials showed that Test E does not produce significant changes in liver enzymes levels.

Natural Testosterone Suppression 

Most steroids taken in doses to promote muscle gains will suppress endogenous test production.

Testosterone Propionate and all testosterone-based drugs will substantially affect the HTPA axis and suppress endogenous testosterone production.

Also, please note that Parabolan, for example, will have a 2-3 times stronger suppression of gonadotropins than injectable Testosterone.

Steroids and the level of their suppression of natural testosterone production.

Testosterone - High Level of suppression

Nandrolone - Very High Level of suppression

Norethandrolone - Very High Level of suppression 

Dianabol - Moderate Level of suppression 

Anadrol - Moderate Level of suppression 

Trenbolone - Moderate Level of suppression 

Boldenone - Moderate Level of suppression 

Masteron - Low level of suppression

Winstrol - Low level of suppression

Anavar - Very Low level of suppression

The most effective drugs for restoring natural testosterone production are :

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin(HCG)

HCG is a potent booster of natural testosterone production. However, it suppresses the Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and it aromatizes. 


We suggest using HCG during the last week of your cycle and not in your PCT.


Clomid is one of the oldest recovery drugs used by bodybuilders. It is a mild Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). The primary purpose of Clomid is to restore the natural production of Testosterone in your body.

Clomid is an effective PCT when it comes to "harder cycles" that include multiple compounds. It is also needed when cycling with more aggressive compounds such as Nandrolone, Trenbolone, Anadrol.


Clomid is often used as an anti-estrogen compound during steroid cycles.

We do not recommend this approach because it is better to prevent estrogen levels from rising in the first place using aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex, Femara, Aromasin.

We all know that prevention is better than cure.


Nolvadex is a (SERM) widely used as an anti-estrogen and natural testosterone booster in post cycle therapies (PCT). Nolvadex is very well tolerated, and doctors regularly prescribe it. It stimulates the release of LH and boosts natural testosterone production.

Nolvadex is an effective PCT for milder cycles that do not include aggressive compounds such as Nandrolone, Trenbolone, or Anadrol.


Nolvadex is often used as an anti-estrogen compound during steroid cycles.

We do not recommend this approach because it is better to prevent estrogen levels from rising in the first place using aromatase inhibitors(Arimidex, Femara, Aromasin) #AI. We all know that prevention is better than cure.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

The main goal of PCT is to get your natural Test levels back to normal.

Other advantages of proper PCT are maintaining muscle gains and getting all the body systems back on track.

Before you start the cycle itself, get the supplies for your PCT.

Since Testosterone Propionate is mainly stacked with other steroids, please make sure to get a proper PCT according to your cycle compounds and cycle length. 

PCT is not a choice. It is a Responsibility.

Please note that 

Only blood tests can show you the most effective strategy and reduce 99% of possible health risks and side effects. 

We strongly recommend performing Pre-cycle, On-Cycle, and Post-Cycle testing.

Testosterone Propionate Effective Cycles

Testosterone Propionate only cycle is a popular choice for beginners. It provides significant gains in muscle and strength. Also, it is not a painful injection, and it is considered a cost-efficient option.

Testosterone Propionate is very versatile and can be used on its own or stacked with other steroids; that is why Testosterone Propionate is widely used in all types of cycles: bulking or cutting. Test Propionate is a very effective compound, and it acts faster than cypionate or enanthate; however, it requires more frequent injections

Testosterone Propionate Only Cycle

Beginner Level

Primary Goal: Mass Gains 

1 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)

2 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)

3 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)

4 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)

5 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD)

PCT Nolvadex

Testosterone Propionate Cycle with the addition of Nandrolone 

Beginner/Intermediate Level

Primary Goals: 


Big Mass Gains

Less sides compared to a higher dosage of Test Propionate

1 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) 

Nandrolone 200mg/week

2 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) 

Nandrolone 200mg/week

3 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) 

Nandrolone 200mg/week

4 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) 

Nandrolone 200mg/week

5 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) 

Nandrolone 200mg/week

6 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) 

Nandrolone 200mg/week

7 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) 

Nandrolone 200mg/week

8 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 300 mg/week (100mg/every other day-EOD) 

Nandrolone 200mg/week

PCT Clomid and Nolvadex

Short Cycles (2-4 Weeks)

Short cycles have the lowest endogenous Testosterone suppression.

Testosterone Propionate Cycle 

with the addition of Tren A/Winstrol/Clen

Beginner/Intermediate/Pro Level

Primary Goals: 

  • Cutting
  • Lean Muscle Mass
  • Definition

1 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol 50 mg/day

2 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol 50 mg/day

3 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol 50 mg/day

4 Week

Winstrol 20 mg/day (in the morning)

Clomid 50 mg/day

Clen 80 mcg/day 

5 Week 

Winstrol 20 mg/day (in the morning)

Clomid 50 mg/day

Clen 120 mcg/day 

6 Week 

Winstrol 20 mg/day (in the morning)

Clen 80 mcg/day 

Trenbolone Acetate Testosterone Propionate Cycle 

with the addition of Dbol/IGF-1/HGH

Intermediate/Pro Level

Primary Goals:

  • Muscle Mass 
  • Strength

1 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Dbol 40 mg/day

IGF-1 100 mcg/day

HGH 10 IU/day

2 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Dbol 40 mg/day

IGF-1 100 mcg/day

HGH 10 IU/day

3 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Dbol 40 mg/day

IGF-1 100 mcg/day

HGH 10 IU/day

4 Week

Clomid 50 mg/day 

IGF-1 100 mcg/day

HGH 10 IU/day

5 Week 

Clomid 50 mg/day 

IGF-1 100 mcg/day

HGH 10 IU/day

6 Week 

IGF-1 100 mcg/day

HGH 10 IU/day

Pre-Contest Cycle

This cycle is an example of an actual pre-contest cycle used by multiple competing athletes and Pros.

Trenbolone Acetate Testosterone Propionate Cycle 

with the addition of Winstrol (Injectable)/Proviron/Clen

Intermediate/Pro Level

Primary Goals:

  • Lean Muscle Mass preservation
  • Muscle hardness and definition

1 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 50 mg/day

2 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 50 mg/day

3 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 50 mg/day

4 Week

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 50 mg/day

5 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 50 mg/day

Clen 80 mcg/day

6 Week 

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 50 mg/day

Proviron 50 mg/day

Clen 80 mcg/day

7 Week

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 50 mg/day

Proviron 50 mg/day

8 Week

Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/day

Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 100 mg/day

Proviron 50 mg/day

9 Week

Trenbolone Acetate 75 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 150 mg/day

Proviron 75 mg/day

Clen 120 mcg/day

10 Week

Trenbolone Acetate 75 mg/day 

Winstrol (injectable) 150 mg/day

Proviron 75 mg/day

Clen 120 mcg/day

Once you have a basic understanding of Testosterone Propionate and its compatibility with other compounds, it's time to choose the proper cycle. Still, before you start your cycle, you have to perform pre-cycle testing (Baseline).

More than 80% of beginners ignore this step, and most of them regret it afterward.

During the 15 years of activity in this field, our Pro Advisers and medical personnel have helped multiple athletes to combat side effects and fix numerous mistakes made on-cycle and post-cycle. We want to mention that more than 90% of sides could have been avoided with the Pre-cycle and On-cycle testing.

We strongly recommend performing all necessary testing: Baseline, On-cycle, and Post-cycle.

Be wise, knowledgeable, and stay healthy.