First of all, it’s critical to stress that problems with joints and ligaments should be considered in differentiated way as pathological mechanisms are quite different. Movement of joints is associated with synovial fluid production, and it is known that Winstrol has a negative effect on the synovial fluid formation, while Deck (nandrolone), quite the contrary, has extremely positive effect on the joints function. The mechanism of nandrolone effect is not known (presumably antiphlogistic), but there are numerous athlete reports on how to relieve and eliminate joint pain. There is also a lot of data about the positive effects of boldenone on the joints.

Ligaments strength depends on collagen protein, which provides them with strength. Here the situation is reversed: Winstrol (and according to other data also Equipoise, Anavar and Primobolan) is capable to stimulate the collagen synthesis, whereas testosterone and most of other androgen drugs inhibit its synthesis and reduce the strength of ligaments.

Course №1 + Deca + Sustanon 250

The classic combination for lean muscle mass increase:

Week Nandrolone decanoate Sustanon 250 Anastrozol Cabergoline Gonadotropin Clomiphene
1 400 mg/week 500 mg/week - - - -
2 200 mg/week 500 mg/week 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days - -
3 200 mg/week 500 mg/week 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days - -
4 200 mg/week 500 mg/week 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days - -
5 200 mg/week 500 mg/week 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days - -
6 200 mg/week 500 mg/week 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days - -
7 200 mg/week 500 mg/week 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days - -
8 200 mg/week 500 mg/week 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days 250 МЕ, twice a week -
9 200 mg/week 500 mg/week 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days 250 МЕ, twice a week -
10 200 mg/week 500 mg/week 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days 250 МЕ, twice a week -
11 - - 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days 250 МЕ, twice a week -
12 - - 0,5 mg every other day 0,25 mg, every 4 days 250 МЕ, twice a week -
13 - - - - - -
14 - - - - - 100 mg/day
15 - - - - - 50 mg/day
16 - - - - - 50 mg/day
  • Deca Durabolin
  • • Sustanon 250 (Sustamed) - can be replaced by testosterone enanthate or cypionate in the same dosages, and Anastrozole can be added only on the 3rd week.
  • • Cabergoline (Dostinex) - inhibits prolactin secretion, which allows eliminating the negative progestational nandrolone impact on sexual function and reducing the risk of gynecomastia. The cheapest brand in pharmacies is Bergolak (8 tab. of 0.5 mg).
  • • Anastrozole - an aromatase inhibitor, it is possible to use other available similar drugs. It is necessary to lower the dosage if you notice libido decrease and erectile dysfunction. It is advisable to test your estrogen levels.
  • • Gonadotropin - it is necessary for preventing testicular atrophy and providing quick recovery after the course.
  •  PCT - Clomiphene or Toremifene. Tamoxifen can’t be used. Clomiphene is available in pharmacies under Clostibegite trademark. It is necessary for the recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes axis, which is suppressed by anabolic drugs. The drug activates endogenous secretion of testosterone. Tamoxifen is not recommended for use in this case, since studies have shown its ability to increase the number and sensitivity of progesterone receptors.

Many athletes and doctors agree that the combination of Deca-Durabolin + Sustanon 250 is one of the best, because these drugs are perfectly combined, have a synergistic effect and eliminate the drawbacks of one another. The benefits of this cycle are its safety: hormone balance is slightly disturbed, metabolism is quickly restored after the course, and last but not least, the drugs are not toxic to the liver.

At the end of the course there is a significant increase of lean muscle mass, which is remained quite well in the future, because of involving PCT elements in the course. Aromatase inhibitors prevent the water accumulation, gynecomastia and contribute to the endogenous testosterone synthesis preservation by reducing the estrogen effect on the testes and pituitary.

It is recommended to alternate an intramuscular injection of these drugs: for example, if the Deca injection is on Sundays, then Sustanon should be introduced on Wednesdays. Do not use steroids for 3 months after the course.

Course №2 Deca + Dianabol

Week Nandrolone





Cortisol blockers
1 400 mg/week 20 mg/day - - -
2 200 mg/week 20 mg/day 0,25 mg every 4 days - -
3 200 mg/week 20 mg/day 0,25 mg every 4 days - -
4 200 mg/week 20 mg/day 0,25 mg every 4 days - -
5 200 mg/week 20 mg/day 0,25 mg every 4 days - -
6 200 mg/week 20 mg/day 0,25 mg every 4 days - -
7 200 mg/week 20 mg/day 0,25 mg every 4 days - -
8 - - 0,25 mg every 4 days - -
9 - - 0,25 mg every 4 days - -
10 - - - - -
11 - - - 100 mg/day +
12 - - - 50 mg/day +
13 - - - 50 mg/day +

This course includes two main steroids:

  • Deca (nandrolone decanoate)

Synonyms: Retabolil; Turinabol-Depo; Anabosan-Depot; Decanandroline; Dekanabol; Eubolin; Fortabolin; Hormoretard; Nandroloni decanoas; Nortestosterondecanoat; Superbolan; Abolon;

  • Methandrostenolone (Danabol, Dianabol)

Synonyms: Anabol; Nerobolum; Anabolex; Anabolin; Anaboral; Bionabol; Dehydromethyltestosteron; Dianabol; Distranorm; Lanabolin; Metanabol; Metandienone; Metandienonum; Metastenol; Methastenon; Nabolin; Nerobol; Novabol; Perabol; Perbolin; Stenolon;

Deca + Danabol combination is one of the most popular to the day. Many people criticize this course because of methandrostenolone toxicity and its rollback phenomenon; however its small dosage and adequate combination allow eliminating these drawbacks. Dianabol 30 mg dose is practically non-toxic to the liver, and also has androgenic effect, which compensates the lack of natural androgens during the course.

Despite the high popularity of Dianabol, it has a low reputation; it happened because athletes are often abusing it, and this leads to numerous health problems and unstable results. Deca + Metandtrostenolon combination allows you to use drugs in low doses, which reduces the risk of side effects, and also positively affects muscle building. This combination significantly suppresses endogenous testosterone, so some experts recommend to also introduce gonadotropin and testosterone.

Intramuscular nandrolone injections are performed once per week. Dianabol is taken twice a day  - 10 mg, and till 6pm. Do not use anabolic steroids for 3 months after the course.